Eböcker The Elements of International English Style: A Guide to Writing Correspondence, Reports, Technical D Fri

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Paperback : 230 pages

ISBN-10 : 7327887401

Customer Review : 4.5

$48.91 FREE

Engelska böcker online gratis The Elements of International English Style: A Guide to Writing Correspondence, Reports, Technical D

TOIMI KUNTA: Thesis Writing Guide at Tampere University of Technology ... was done, and the results. The writing style is also important. Scientific text, including references, must be written and formatted according to the provided instructions. ... Système international d’unités, kansainvälinen mittayksikkö-järjestelmä

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‘Kansalaiset keskustelevat – kuuleeko EU?’ Lukija- ja käyttäjälähtöinen viestintä/ Reader- and User-Oriented Commmunication. Viestinnäntutkimuksen päivät 2007. Vaasan yliopiston selvityksiä ja raportteja, eds. Heli Katajamäki et al., Vaasa 2008,

To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as IEC Publication(s) ).

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