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Paperback : 588 pages

ISBN-10 : 8777744416

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Räihä, Antti, Lutheran Clergy in an Orthodox Empire: The Appointment of Pastors in the Russo-Swedish Borderlands in the 18th Century, Perichoresis 13 (2) 2015. Sulkunen, Irma, "An International Comparison of Women's Suffrage: The Cases of Finland and New Zealand in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century".

- (Samlade skrifter af Zacharias Topelius ; 13) vaszary jános festmények Fältskärns berättelser : Fjärde cykeln 2. Prinsessan af Vasa / Zacharias Topelius.

Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd ed. Volume 13. Detroit: MacMillan, 8898–8900. ——— 2008: The Place of Emanuel Swedenborg in the Spiritual Saga of Scandinavia. Tore Ahlbäck (toim.): Western Esotericism. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Western Esotericism Held at Åbo, Finland, on 15–17 August 2007. Åbo: Donner Institute, 254–280. Tiina Mahlamäki: The Secret Land of Seven ...

Den finske läkaren och runforskaren Elias Lönnrot samlade på 1830-talet myter, folkdikter och runosånger som han sammanställde i det finska nationaleposet Kalevala.

Lähdeluettelo ja lisämateriaalia Luku 1 Samoilla ehdoilla? Hynninen, Pirkko & TASUKO-työryhmä. (2011). Tasa-arvo ja sukupuolitietoisuus opettajankolulutuksessa.

Kumo castle, Aborch and Vreghdenborch - sources and past scholarship, a revision with English Summary. Summary, preliminary version: The article discusses the traditional scholarly interpretations of the location, nature and use of the 14th Century

Volume lli. SilicaMinerals. New York. Holm, L., Manufacture of Stone Tools in North Sweden. A Study of Stone Assemblages in the Caledonian Chain. Approaches to Swedish Prehistory. A Spectrum ofproblems in Contemporary Research. Ed. by T. B. Larsson & H. Lundmark. - BAR Intemational Series 500. Holm, L., The Use of Stone and the Hunting of Reindeer. A study of stone tool manufacture and hunting ...

For works in more than one volume the identical sections of the title page are written out only once and later indicated with deletion marks. The printing data are given on a separate line. Any additions to the title page are written in square brackets. If a book has several title pages, the first is presented in full. The others are presented only if they begin a new section with its own page ...

A. Gallen-Kallela v otshenke russkikh : pisatelei i hudozhnikov / V. G. Bondarenko // Skandinavskii sbornik = Skrifter om Skandinavien, 1977, No 22, s. 218-237 Résume s. 237: Ryska författares och konstnärernas bedömning av Aksel Gallen-Kallela